

August 11, 2010

Once a copy has been made of a standard locked report, the MS Excel template linked to that report can be modified.

The relationship between the Excel template and the report is a one-to-one relationship and a template may be linked to or unlinked from a report .

There are at least 2 advantages to having this report-template relationship:

1) The master Excel template used for a particular reporting output is kept in one place, avoiding the need for template version control

2) Any investment into an Excel template’s structural changes are retained because the most recently changed template may be linked to the report to be populated when it is run

To link a template to a report, right click the report and select ‘create and link template’ from the short cut menu. Templates linked to a report are stored in the BXData folder in the Sage Accpac root directory.

A template already linked to a report may be changed without engaging in the linking process. This can be done by right clicking a report and selecting  ‘design’ from the short cut menu which will open the template and allow any changes made, to be saved.

Craig Juta, Alberta Canada

Sage Intelligence Expert

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